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Stony Brook University Graduate School. Axel Drees. Department Chair. Jacobus Verbaarschot. Director. The Department of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Arts and Sciences offers courses of study and research that normally lead to the Ph. D. The M. A degree is awarded either as a terminal degree or to students on the way to the Ph. D. The Master of Science in Scientific Instrumentation program is provided for those interested in instrumentation for physical research.

WHAT IS YOUR ROLE AT STONY BROOK? The Simons Summer Research Program is for high school students interested in studying science and math. General University News. School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook, whose research is focused on. Stony Brook University Faculty Mentors 35 Semifinalists in 2013 Intel. Brook University participated in the Simons Summer Research Program. Intel semifinalists who conducted their research at Stony Brook.

A Master of Arts in Teaching program, from the School of Professional Development, is available for students seeking to teach physics in high schools. Physics research is conducted in the areas of particle, nuclear, condensed matter, mesoscopic, nanoscale, device, and atomic, molecular, and optical physics on campus and at research facilities elsewhere. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), located only 2. A number of institutes dedicated to specific fields of research are associated with the Department. A new Simons Center for Geometry and Physics initatiated by a significant private donation to the University is now in the planning stage. It will build on the historic close interaction between mathematicians and physicists at Stony Brook.

Astronomical research is conducted on both theoretical and observational topics. The group uses DOE supercomputing facilities as well as an on- site Beowulf cluster for extensive simulations of astronomical objects and nuclear astrophysical processes. Observational research investigates extragalactic and cosmological parameters, molecular clouds, stellar properties, star formation regions, and neutron stars. Stony Brook is a member of the SMARTS consortium that operates a set of telescopes at Cerro Tololo in Chile. Faculty and students are also frequent users of the National Optical Astronomy Observatories, the National Radio Astronomy Observatories, the observatories at Mauna Kea, and the millimeter wave facilities at FCRAO and IRAM. They have also received extensive time on space- based observatories, including the Hubble Space Telescope.

Three students who participated in the Simons Summer Research program at Stony Brook University in New York are finalists in this year’s Intel Science Talent Search, one of the country’s most prestigious science research. The Master of Science in Scientific Instrumentation program is. It will build on the historic close interaction between mathematicians and physicists at Stony Brook. Astronomical research is. Stony Brook University Stony. The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is part of Stony Brook University. The Simons Center is a research center devoted to furthering fundamental knowledge in mathematics and theoretical physics. The Simons Summer Research Program gives academically talented, motivated high school students who are between their junior & senior years the opportunity to.

As director of a groundbreaking Simons Foundation grant. The study assessed more than 800 WTC responders cared for at the Stony Brook University WTC Wellness Program. In Gobler’s research lab on Stony Brook’s.

Garcia Summer Research Program 2015 2016. Simons Summer Research Fellowship, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3357 - 631 632-7114. This year Stony Brook faculty advised three of the Intel Science Talent Search finalists, and one of them. Support from the Simons Summer Research Program is crucial to bringing talented high school students and faculty.

Stony Brook Simons Research Program

For more information, visit our website. Contact Us To request information about applying to our programs contact: Program Coordinator Donald Sheehan donald.

Department of Physics & Astronomy Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY, 1. Tel : (6. 31) 6. 32- 8. Fax : (6. 31) 6. 32- 8. Apply Online at Graduate Admissions.

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